Sunday Stills: Birds? What Birds?

The photo challenge Feeding Those Birds is a double challenge for me. I’ve not had much luck with bird feeders or with photographing birds. This little buck has taken to my bird feeders this winter. I’ve started leaving him a pile of corn on the ground, but I think he considers it desert:

So, I moved one of the feeders into our fenced garden – only for it to transform into a squirrel and mole feeder. Here is how we found it this morning. I don’t think any of these creatures are afraid of my fat cat:

Here’s my one bird photo, which I captured on a recent walk along the local waterway. Several egrets and one blue heron were feeding themselves…..helping themselves to the fish in the canal.

Enjoy your Sunday!

21 thoughts on “Sunday Stills: Birds? What Birds?

  1. Feed the animals is what your post is saying, LOL! I had the same problem in Sacramento, feeding the squirrels who could contort themselves onto a bird feeder. Our new place already has mule deer milling around (according to evidence of such), so we will figure that out as we go. I have an idea for bird feeders close to the front of the home where my office area will be. I just love all the egrets in that tree, what a wonderful sight!


  2. I haven’t had much luck capturing photos of birds at my feeder or in the wild either. It seems as soon as I see them, they fly away. I did find some older ones that I managed to capture, and a few from a zoo visit. It was a fun challenge though. Too funny about the deer.


  3. How awesome to see a buck come into the area where you are. We live in a formerly rural area that is now overtaken by little boxes (our house included!) so we have none but I reckon in days past there were a lot of kangaroos and more Australian wildlife.

    Birds here are a mix of exotic looking – but they never stay still – called Rainbow Lorikeets…or boring brown ones who leave a mess on the back patio.

    Denyse #sundaystills


    • Ahhh, I visited Western Australia about 18 months ago. I took a video of Lorikeets at sunset. You can’t see them very well, but you can sure see them. I was so excited to see kangaroos in pastures along the roadside just like you see deer or cattle here.


  4. Pingback: #Sunday Stills: Feeding Birds in Australia – Marsha Ingrao – Always Write

    • Thanks Janice, I’m pretty happy with the egrets and heron since I got it on the fly. I guess the manufactures should start marketing these things as cross-feeders because the squirrels actually steel food from the deer feeders as well!


  5. Pingback: Sunday Stills: A #White-Washed World – Second Wind Leisure Perspectives

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