White Wedding Anniversary

If you’re not tired of hearing about the Texas Freeze, scroll on. In response to this week’s Sunday’s Stills Challenge, here are a collection of “white” photos from how we spent our first wedding anniversary.

Normally, when it snows in South Central Texas it looks like this little bitty pile on our Sego Palm. I took this photo, as a joke, to document our first snow day as a married couple. Little did I know that this was the first of many snow days to come.

January Snow
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Sunday Stills: Birds? What Birds?

The photo challenge Feeding Those Birds is a double challenge for me. I’ve not had much luck with bird feeders or with photographing birds. This little buck has taken to my bird feeders this winter. I’ve started leaving him a pile of corn on the ground, but I think he considers it desert:

So, I moved one of the feeders into our fenced garden – only for it to transform into a squirrel and mole feeder. Here is how we found it this morning. I don’t think any of these creatures are afraid of my fat cat:

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Happy COVID/Texas Winter Fail/Hunkered Down First Anniversary to Us

If we can survive this, we can survive anything. Here is the proof.

Speaking of proofs, here is the artist’s concept for the custom t-shirts I had made for our anniversary beach trip to Galveston. It was cancelled by the vacation rental owner due to freezing weather, lack of electricity and probably frozen pipes. The t-shirts turned out very nicely. I just wish I’d known the Texas winter was going to be such a failure….I would have added some icicles to the design. We are planning on setting up the tripod to take pictures if we ever get out of the 20’s F today.

So, what have we been doing?

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Rosy Red Travel Memories

Some times we just need a little inspiration from an unexpected source. Thanks to Terri at Second Wind Leisure for the much needed writing prompt. Pandemic + Texas Winter Storm = Pioneer Life…..and serious cabin fever. Now that the power is back, I decided to write a little more about travel, using Terri’s “Rosy Red” theme to help me select a few photographs that I’ve not used in previous blog pieces. Here are a few of my favorites.

While my husband and I were still dating, he spent two years on a project in France. I was still working full time and very involved with aging parents, but I did get to take two glorious trips over there:

Doors of Cathedral Saint Pierre de Montpellier, France
Roses in a vineyard on a hike in the Rhone Valley
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