Boxer Tales Part 2 – Shaylea

IMG_4116 (002) Shaylea's portrait by Mark

Photo portrait of Shaylea by Mark Winslet

Within two years of divorce, I saved enough money to move myself and the dogs out of our little bungalow into a new home with a fenced in back yard and pool.  I got a promotion and a fresh start. I graduated from eating beanie weenies with boxed wine, or no wine, to fresh fish and a decent bottle every now and then. I still washed and reused baggies, though.  Being broke will make an environmentalist out of you. Life was good. Continue reading

Boxer Tales Part 1 – Buster

IMG_4146 (002) Buster Mom's portrait
Water Color of Buster, by Jacqueline Stubbs

(Having recently lost my 4th boxer, Tia, from cancer, I thought a blog would be good therapy and a way to honor her. Even better, I’ve decided to start from the beginning. This is Part 1 of “Boxer Tales”, in memory of my beloved Boxer dogs and to showcase the work of artists who captured their spirit.)

Thanksgiving weekend, 1999. My soon to be ex-husband (“X”) was pulling into the driveway in his consistently late fashion. Peeking outside, I noticed he had one of his “running buddies” with him. A dark, handsome stranger sat in the passenger seat of the sedan. I stepped away from the window, bracing myself for his latest excuse, when the front door opened and in bounded an excited 9 month old male boxer. No running buddies in sight.  The dog had been riding in the front seat like he belonged there.

X said he offered to care for the dog over the holiday weekend while it’s owner was visiting family.  No consultation with me. We already had 2 dogs. Chaos ensued and “Buster” was assigned to the back yard.  The next night, temperatures dropped drastically and I invited him in. He was grateful and courteous, placing one paw on my knee then laying down on the blanket I provided. He was an angel all weekend and my love affair with boxers began.

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